Liturgical Ministry / Worship

"Where two or three are gathered together in
my name there am I in the midst of them."

— MATTHEW 18:20

Liturgical Ministry / Worship

Christ is always present in his Church, especially her liturgical celebrations.  He is present in the Sacrifice of the Mass not only in person of his minister. . .  but especially in the Eucharist species. . . He is present in his word since it is he himself who speaks when the holy Scriptures are read in the Church. Lastly, he is present when the Church prays and sings . . . (CCC 1088)

The Liturgical Ministry at St. Elizabeth Seton is comprised of Welcome Ministers, Ministers of the Word (lectors), Extraordinary Ministers of Communion, Altar Servers, and Music Ministers. All those who volunteer to serve are scheduled 1-2 times per month, and at the mass he/she would normally attend. For more information or to get involved, please call the parish office at (337) 235-1483.

See the liturgical ministers schedule here.



Our Welcome Ministers serve God’s people by bringing a spirit of warmth and welcoming to the members of the gathering assembly by greeting them at the doors of the church. Additionally, during the liturgy they assist participants in locating seating; collect the monetary offering of the congregation; and distribute the bulletin after Mass.


In proclaiming the word of God, Ministers of the Word (Lectors) must exercise their responsibility in mediating the presence of Christ. God speaks to the assembly through them, and the impact of God’s message will depend significantly on their conviction, their preparation, and their delivery. Lectors should speak clearly and loudly and have an awareness of the literary form of the readings, as well as its context.


Extraordinary Ministers of Communion serve God’s people by assisting the priest in distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during the Communion Rite at Mass. They are trained lay ministers with a deep understanding of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the bread and wine. Extraordinary Ministers of Communion are called not only to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ but also to give Christian witness in their lives. The ministers accomplish this by frequenting the sacraments and by sharing the love of their Catholic faith with others.


Altar servers serve God’s people by assisting the priest in the liturgy of the mass. Altar servers can be boys and girls that have made their First Reconciliation and First Communion, AND are in the 3rd grade. The parish conducts Altar Server registration annually in the fall, with announcements made at Mass and placed in the bulletin in advance.


Music is a vital component of the liturgy, and the Music Ministry encourages the participation of everyone present at Mass. The many activities within the music program provide opportunities for all to experience the rich liturgical tradition of the Catholic Church. The enhanced sense of community and camaraderie deepen our Mass experience.


The Art and Environment (Decor) Ministry creates an environment of beauty and reverence in our worship space that sets the mood for each liturgical season and is both comforting and welcoming to members, guests, and visitors alike. When entering the church, the environment brings the liturgical season to life through our senses as much as the music that is played.

If you have artistic talent or a gift for arranging flowers, a green thumb, sewing skills, or a decorator’s eye, we need you. We also need strong men to lift and climb ladders, as well as helpers who do not mind tidying up, watering plants, painting, sorting and storing items during our busiest seasons of Christmas and Easter.

For information e-mail Carol Broglio at


Our parish offers Children’s Church at the 10:15 a.m. mass on Sunday. Children 4 years old and older (up to the age that they make their First Communion) can participate in their own celebration of the Liturgy of the Word as teachers share the Gospel reading with them on their level as well as develop basic Catholic teachings through various activities. Children need to arrive and line up in the Baptistery 10 minutes before Mass begins. If you are interested in volunteering for Children’s Church or for more information, please call the parish office at (337) 235-1483.